Thursday, December 17, 2009

We All Got To See It!


Mahdel, Kharisse, GB, Aiza and I planned to treat our other cousins together with an uncle and some of our aunties to watch New Moon. Since 5 of us will share the expenses, we ended up listing a total of 19 persons including ourselves. I carefully organized things like buying tickets one day earlier and thinking of what snacks we will be having inside the movie theater. Then came the planned day. The movie starts at 6:35 pm but I told them that it will start exactly 6:00 pm so that they will come early. Another thing is that in order for us to get the best seats and be settled before the movie starts. It worked! They arrived at 6:00 pm and the good part is we got seats closer to each other. ;)

Some of us already watched the movie. But who cares??? We can watch it over and over again. Of course, there were still gasping and sighs during the topless scenes of Jacob Black. I smiled in satisfaction when my relatives did the same. It means they were really into the movie.

At the end part wherein Edward asked Bella to marry him, I heard a clap coming from one person and was not able to have it going because she realized she was the only one doing it. Guess who??? One of my aunties. Hehehehe! We were all amused. ;) I looked back and she gave me a "thumbs up". It surely wiped away all the troubles I had for that day. We then have our pictures taken with the cut-out card boards of casts except for the oldies. They were shy to pose and think they are too old for that. Hahahaha!

We had a great time! Although it was fun, there will never be a next time for this. Whew! Very stressful! It's hard going out as a big group to see a big hit movie. I was busy checking that everyone have a seat and worried sick that some will be late and others might not be able to make it. At the end of the day, I was pooped out!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beware Of Posers!


I found this video and would like to share it so that you won't be deceived. Tweeter is the most common and popular interactive tool used by most celebrities. This is where they post their recent activities, what they're up to or to let fans know of their coming events. I signed up in Tweeter for those reasons and to keep track of my favorite celebrities. Unfortunately, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson don't have tweeter accounts so don't just follow anyone with their names on it cuz they are definitely not the one you are looking for. Taylor has a tweeter but he no longer uses it. Well what do you expect??? They are too busy and obviously stressed out from all the attention they were getting since their movie is a great hit. For them, tweetering is such a waste of time. It might also prevent themselves being mobbed by fans and to prevent paparazzi tailing their every move. I just recently unfollow a fake one when I saw this video. I don't want to upload this at first cuz I don't like Kristen's hair. It ruins everything. On second thought, I might as well post this cuz I know you would like to see a proof of what I am babbling out here. So here it is!

I know some casts of Twilight and other stars who really tweets. I am 100% sure.

Ashley Greene
Peter Facinelli
Selena Gomez
Alex Meraz
Taylor Swift
Jessica Alba

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Motorbike Scene on Video! Hotness Overflowing!


The scene where there are more gasping in movie theaters! I can watch this part over and over again. ;)

Taylor Lautner on Jay Leno


Love the part wherein a video was shown when he was about 10 years old and wearing a mickey mouse ear. So cute! ;)

Taylor Lautner Answers Quiz! FIND OUT!


Here are the english translation of the questions in the video. Get to know more of Taylor Lautner. ;)

1) How often you shave each week?
2) How many times a day do you view yourself in the mirror?
3) Do you tan in the sunlight?
4) Do you howl at the moon? - A senseless question don't you think? I mean do you really believe Taylor is a werewolf in real life??? Duh!
5) Water or red wine with any meat?

I wish they added "Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift"? That would really put him in the hot seat! Hehehe!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner on Jimmy Kimmel Live


Everytime Taylor Lautner gets cornered on the issue of dating Taylor Swift, he just manages to escape - smiles, neutral comments and (ugh!!!) the silence answer. When will they speak out to end the issue??? Well if they do, hope he would say he is very much single cuz girls in all over the world will get depress if he's not. ;)

This is the part wherein Rob admits getting insecure of Taylor's abs. Even the vampire himself notices the benefits of being a werewolf. ;)

“It was incredibly annoying when I saw Taylor’s transformation. I realized just having a pre-pubescent girl’s body wasn’t going to work for me any more. In fact I saw him and thought ‘Jesus, I’m going to get fired.’” - Robert Pattinson.

Even when he gets embarrassed, he is still adorable. Like the way when he tried to hide his face behind Kristen's shoulder. ;)

I really wish I could get the chance to ask Taylor questions. But wait...I may not be able to utter a single word cuz I will surely flung myself towards him. *wink! By the way, nice move girl! If I were on her shoes, I would ask for the pants as well! Hahahaha!

Taylor Lautner on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon


Check out the videos below. So hilarious! I guess I will have to sneeze so that he would take of his shirt to help me out. ;)




Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon's Day (Motorbike Scene)


The big day finally came! This is it! Me and my cousin Khaye organized things to do 3 weeks ago, making sure that we will be able to go in during the first day. There will be a lot of people since netizens are also doing a countdown. To avoid being held on the line, we bought our tickets 2 weeks earlier. Well that surely is a sign how die-hard fan we are. ;) Although we are on a different team (Khaye on Edward and me on Jacob), we have the same goal and that is not missing the first showing.

At Last!!! Motorcyle Scene!!! I'm really looking forward to this part when I first saw this on trailer. As expected, when Jacob takes off his shirt, most of the girls (including me of course!) went: WHOAAA!!!! We had a great view then! Hahaha! I agree with Bella calling him as Mr. Biceps. Being a werewolf surely has its own advantages and it mostly goes to their built. As for me, long hair suits him well because it makes him look huge. Another thing is I totally like the way he flirts with Bella - looking at her teasingly. ;) We just can't get enough of the movie that we watched it 3x until my cousin complains of having a headache. :( There goes my cue!

I envy those who were able to have their pictures taken with Taylor Lautner. Why am i born a million miles away from him??? Guess what my dream place is??? F O R K S ! ;)

A Wolf's Charm


I don't know about any of you guys but I am not tired of saying that I love Taylor!!! Of course I am not the only one who desires him. His admirers just keep on piling every minute. I am also aware of Selena Gomez who had moments with him. I guess the spark between them happened when they met in Vancouver while each doing their film - Taylor with "New Moon" and Selena with "Ramona and Beezuz". As for me, they kind of look the same too. ;) A perfect couple! Unfortunately, the romance that happened so fast ended also in a flash. After filming, they both left Vancouver separately.

Another actress who was dazzled is Taylor Swift. "Taylor Squared" was born then. Pictures of them being cozy, caught together watching a game, steamy kisses (I know it is part of the "Valentine" movie but I just can't ignore the feeling that something is going on between them), etc. As expected, no confirmation or comments were released by any of them except for the giggles and neutral compliments for each other. Well, they can't fool anyone. Who needs words when actions speaks louder. ;)

I Heart Taylor Lautner


All girls will agree when I say that this guy is DREAMY! Honestly, I haven't noticed him in his past movies (Shadow Fury, Cheaper By The Dozen 2 and The Adventures Of Sharkboy And Lavagirl In 3-D). Who would have ever thought of him growing up to be this gorgeously buffed and handsome werewolf. Well, it's not me at first. I was not impressed with him when I saw him in Twilight either. I was a die-hard fan of Edward Cullen at that time. Stephen Strait was the perfect guy for me to play as the vampire's rival over Bella Swan.

I once read an article in the internet that Taylor Lautner might be replaced and that he is really working hard to still get the part. I started browsing him to know what he has been up to and of course updates to who will be the new Jacob Black. But the longer I'm starring at his pictures...the cuter he gets. His deep-set eyes are mesmerizing. His perfectly coppered skin is amazing. Those pearly white teeth accompanied with a dashing smile. I'm having chills as of the moment. ;) Let's not forget those impressive muscles and strong arms promising to give you a warm hug. *wink! He's not bad after all. In fact, he is the BEST! I'm seeing him in a different way. Hmmmmmm...Edward Cullen or Jacob Black??? I suddenly find werewolves as sexy beasts! I'm gladly stepping-in on Team Jacob. I also planned to make a Team Jacob t-shirt hoping it will be done just in time for New Moon. WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD WOLF??? Not me!!! Cuz I forever heart Taylor Launter!

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