Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Wolf's Charm

I don't know about any of you guys but I am not tired of saying that I love Taylor!!! Of course I am not the only one who desires him. His admirers just keep on piling every minute. I am also aware of Selena Gomez who had moments with him. I guess the spark between them happened when they met in Vancouver while each doing their film - Taylor with "New Moon" and Selena with "Ramona and Beezuz". As for me, they kind of look the same too. ;) A perfect couple! Unfortunately, the romance that happened so fast ended also in a flash. After filming, they both left Vancouver separately.

Another actress who was dazzled is Taylor Swift. "Taylor Squared" was born then. Pictures of them being cozy, caught together watching a game, steamy kisses (I know it is part of the "Valentine" movie but I just can't ignore the feeling that something is going on between them), etc. As expected, no confirmation or comments were released by any of them except for the giggles and neutral compliments for each other. Well, they can't fool anyone. Who needs words when actions speaks louder. ;)


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