Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon's Day (Motorbike Scene)

The big day finally came! This is it! Me and my cousin Khaye organized things to do 3 weeks ago, making sure that we will be able to go in during the first day. There will be a lot of people since netizens are also doing a countdown. To avoid being held on the line, we bought our tickets 2 weeks earlier. Well that surely is a sign how die-hard fan we are. ;) Although we are on a different team (Khaye on Edward and me on Jacob), we have the same goal and that is not missing the first showing.

At Last!!! Motorcyle Scene!!! I'm really looking forward to this part when I first saw this on trailer. As expected, when Jacob takes off his shirt, most of the girls (including me of course!) went: WHOAAA!!!! We had a great view then! Hahaha! I agree with Bella calling him as Mr. Biceps. Being a werewolf surely has its own advantages and it mostly goes to their built. As for me, long hair suits him well because it makes him look huge. Another thing is I totally like the way he flirts with Bella - looking at her teasingly. ;) We just can't get enough of the movie that we watched it 3x until my cousin complains of having a headache. :( There goes my cue!

I envy those who were able to have their pictures taken with Taylor Lautner. Why am i born a million miles away from him??? Guess what my dream place is??? F O R K S ! ;)


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