Thursday, December 17, 2009

We All Got To See It!


Mahdel, Kharisse, GB, Aiza and I planned to treat our other cousins together with an uncle and some of our aunties to watch New Moon. Since 5 of us will share the expenses, we ended up listing a total of 19 persons including ourselves. I carefully organized things like buying tickets one day earlier and thinking of what snacks we will be having inside the movie theater. Then came the planned day. The movie starts at 6:35 pm but I told them that it will start exactly 6:00 pm so that they will come early. Another thing is that in order for us to get the best seats and be settled before the movie starts. It worked! They arrived at 6:00 pm and the good part is we got seats closer to each other. ;)

Some of us already watched the movie. But who cares??? We can watch it over and over again. Of course, there were still gasping and sighs during the topless scenes of Jacob Black. I smiled in satisfaction when my relatives did the same. It means they were really into the movie.

At the end part wherein Edward asked Bella to marry him, I heard a clap coming from one person and was not able to have it going because she realized she was the only one doing it. Guess who??? One of my aunties. Hehehehe! We were all amused. ;) I looked back and she gave me a "thumbs up". It surely wiped away all the troubles I had for that day. We then have our pictures taken with the cut-out card boards of casts except for the oldies. They were shy to pose and think they are too old for that. Hahahaha!

We had a great time! Although it was fun, there will never be a next time for this. Whew! Very stressful! It's hard going out as a big group to see a big hit movie. I was busy checking that everyone have a seat and worried sick that some will be late and others might not be able to make it. At the end of the day, I was pooped out!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beware Of Posers!


I found this video and would like to share it so that you won't be deceived. Tweeter is the most common and popular interactive tool used by most celebrities. This is where they post their recent activities, what they're up to or to let fans know of their coming events. I signed up in Tweeter for those reasons and to keep track of my favorite celebrities. Unfortunately, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson don't have tweeter accounts so don't just follow anyone with their names on it cuz they are definitely not the one you are looking for. Taylor has a tweeter but he no longer uses it. Well what do you expect??? They are too busy and obviously stressed out from all the attention they were getting since their movie is a great hit. For them, tweetering is such a waste of time. It might also prevent themselves being mobbed by fans and to prevent paparazzi tailing their every move. I just recently unfollow a fake one when I saw this video. I don't want to upload this at first cuz I don't like Kristen's hair. It ruins everything. On second thought, I might as well post this cuz I know you would like to see a proof of what I am babbling out here. So here it is!

I know some casts of Twilight and other stars who really tweets. I am 100% sure.

Ashley Greene
Peter Facinelli
Selena Gomez
Alex Meraz
Taylor Swift
Jessica Alba

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